Senior McKenna Barrett Hosts Cookie Exchange For Entire Senior Class

Grace Galante, Staff Reporter

This past Saturday, senior McKenna Barrett hosted a cookie exchange for the entire senior class. During a cookie exchange, all guests bake or buy cookies for the group, and then everyone gets a chance to pick and choose cookies to take home. With a wide and delicious assortment to choose from, this was a very easy task.

Some popular cookies were Grace Ganshirt’s Rolo Pretzel Cookies, Grace Steffen’s Oatmeal Raisin Cookies, and Lily D’Agostino’s brownies. A special shoutout goes to Anelise Leahy whose Pinwheel Sugar Cookies took over three hours to make! Since her cookies were a favorite among the group, it’s clear that all her effort was worth it.

In addition to eating cookies, the seniors got into the Christmas spirit by watching Christmas movies such as Home Alone and  Santa Clause 2. They also listened to Christmas music, sat around the fire and told stories, and of course – made a TikTok.

Not only was this event a great way to begin the Christmas season, but another example of the strong bond the senior class has inside and outside of school. Being able to have grade-wide events such as the cookie exchange be met with so much enthusiasm and participation is something unique to the class of 2020.

Reflecting on this event, Nicolette Anichini said, “I had a great time bonding with my friends and my classmates. We got to relax and de-stress before finals.” With the upcoming semester exams, the cookies will be good comfort food during this incredibly busy and stressful time.

The cookie exchange was not only a huge success but also spread the Christmas cheer for the senior class. With six months left of the school year, it is clear the class of 2020 has many more fun events up their sleeve.

Last, but not least, a huge thank you to McKenna Barrett for hosting this amazing event!