Thanksgiving Memories of Regina Girls

Bella Holtane, Staff Reporter

It’s finally that time of year again, when the golden yellow, orange, and red leaves fall onto the ground, the air gets crisper and the days get shorter with the nights longer.  Late in November, we sit down for Thanksgiving with our favorite foods of mashed potatoes, turkey with stuffing and delicious gravy along with pumpkin or apple pie.

Thanksgiving is a time for sharing our gratitude and being with our loved ones. According to actress Joyce Giraud, “Thanksgiving is one of my favorite days of the year because it reminds us to give thanks and to count our blessings. Suddenly so many things become so little when we realize how blessed and lucky we are.” This quote, in my opinion, describes Thanksgiving perfectly.

Thanksgiving is also full of unforgettable memories that many people cherish. It is also a day that we remember our ancestors who came to live in the United States.

There are also many different types of traditions and rituals that people celebrate and share on this holiday. Some of these traditions include: having a traditional Thanksgiving dinner, traveling to be with family, watching the football game with the whole family or the thanksgiving parade and so much more.

The special thing about Thanksgiving is that many people have their own way of celebrating this holiday that is unique to them and their families.

We asked a few Regina students about what their favorite Thanksgiving memories are and they said: