Regina Girls Dance the Night Away at Dance Marathon

Violet Chube, News Editor

Regina Dominican’s annual dance marathon was held on February 28th at seven o’clock in the cafeteria. Every year, Regina hosts Dance Marathon and gives all the proceeds to a different non-profit organization. This year, all the proceeds are going to Lurie Children’s Hospital, a children’s hospital in Chicago.

This year’s Dance Marathon had many fun activities including dancing, Zumba, decorating cards for patients at Lurie’s, and even a photo booth. The annual event is popular amongst Regina students because it is a very laid back dance. Although Regina girls love getting dressed up for Fall Fling and Winter Bash, it’s always nice to put on some yoga pants and a Dance Marathon t-shirt to dance the night away with friends.

Senior Adriana Nguyen added that her favorite part of dance marathon was “getting together for a good cause and being able to see everyone enjoy themselves in a casual way, like you don’t have to get ready or anything you just show up and have fun.”

Additionally, the first 100 people to buy tickets got a Dance Marathon t-shirt, designed by Katie Sullivan ’18.

Halfway through the event, the Orchesis Dance Company performed two of its routines. The routines were choreographed by Orchesis captain Kathleen Rabbit ’20, and Ashley Richards ’20. These show-stopping routines were only a sneak peak of the actual Orchesis show titled “Elements.” The performances will be on March 5th and 6th at 7:30 pm.

Senior Kat Hans said that her favorite part of Dance Marathon was “watching the Orchesis dances because we got to see a sneak peak before the show and the photo booth.”

When asked about her favorite part of dance marathon senior Maya Cornejo stated, “my favorite part of Dance Marathon was the all around event because I love why we do the whole thing and it is all for a good cause.”

Dance Marathon is a special Regina event because of its laid back nature. This year it included, a preview of the Orchesis show, a photo booth, Zumba, and, last but not least, dancing all night with your closest friends.

Thank you to Mrs. Kaplan, National Honor Society President Grace Steffen, and the National Honor Society for planning this amazing event.