Regina Dominican Reenacts Stations of the Cross

On April 12, Regina Dominican preformed the annual Stations of the Cross. This was the last full day of school before spring break. It was also the last time together as a whole school before the Easter holidays. The school met to  commemorate the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

The first day of break started on Holy Thursday, which is the start of Holy Week. Holy Thursday is the last supper celebrated between Jesus and his disciples. The following day is Good Friday. This solemn day is when Jesus died on the cross and is reflected through the fourteen Stations of the Cross.  Holy Saturday is when Jesus lay in his tomb and Easter Sunday is when Jesus rose from he dead and resurrected to heaven. These three days, from the evening of Holy Thursday to the evening of Easter Sunday make up the Tridiuum.

At Regina Dominican, students reenacted the different roles that are affiliated with each of the Stations. They would pose in the correct position for each of the different stations. Along with the students performing, there were also students reading what occurred at each station, and students offered a prayer along with it.

Junior Areeba Ali said, “The reenactment of the Stations of the Cross was very interesting, and it portrayed the event really well. I look forward to it next year.”

The Stations of the Cross reenactment was very touching and brought students closer to their faith and the sacrifice Jesus made.

The following students participated in the performance:

Shleps Poole, ’18
Dishawnti Stokes, ’20
Indigo Smith, ’18
Emma Donovan, ’19
Katie Alleman, ’17
Kasmira Watson, ’18
Jaymilia Booker, ’20
Viv O’Bryan, ’18
Ashley Richards, ’20
Nicolette Anicchini, ’20
Meghan McCabe, ’19
Nora Clancy, ’20
Grace Tamisiea, ’18