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No, More People Aren’t Dying from Bad Climate Change Policies Than They Are from Actual Climate Change.

No, More People Aren't Dying from Bad Climate Change Policies Than They Are from Actual Climate Change.

The Claim
On August 23, 2023, Vivek Ramaswamy stated, “The reality is more people are dying of bad climate change policies than they are of actual climate change.” But is this true?

Who’s Behind the Information?
Vivek Ramansway is a former biotech executive. Now a multi-millionaire, he has entered politics and is running as a republican candidate in the 2024 elections. He makes it known through speeches and social media that he is a conspirator of the “climate change agenda.” He consistently calls the climate change agenda a hoax or as Time Magazine notes the agenda or President Biden’s climate policies and is a firm believer that there are other, more prominent, issues that need the government’s attention instead of focusing on climate change. For example, Ramansway is talking to the Republican base whom believe the economy is more concerning than climate change.

“And while Americans increasingly view climate change as a threat, they rank it far below economic concerns. Indeed, one poll released earlier this year showed that only 38% of Americans would be willing to pay a $1 per month carbon fee to address climate change,” said journalist Justin Worland of Time Magazine.

Look Into the Experts and Evidence
Climate change is not a hoax, and the effects of it are much more detrimental than the attempts to stop it. A simple Google search will lead readers to uncover that, according to climate scientists, climate change is not a hoax and is very real to communities worldwide.

The World Meteorology Organization says, “Worldwide, extreme weather disasters made worse by climate change caused more than 2 million deaths between 1970 and 2021.”

Today there are better warning systems for natural disasters in place, fewer deaths occur as people have time to evacuate; this has been commonly misinterpreted as evidence that climate change is a hoax.

Climate change is often overlooked by politicians and downplayed as something it is not. The reality is that climate change is destructive to our planet, and with the influence of politicians making it seem lesser, many people fail to realize the devastating reality of climate change.

Our Rating
Not Legit. Vivek Ramansway’s statement on climate change is not true and is false information. More deaths occur from the effects of climate change than preventative acts to stop it.

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