Legally Blonde

Legally Blonde (2001), directed by Robert Luketic, centers around Elle Woods, played by Reese Witherspoon. Elle, a fashionable, young sorority girl is determined to someday marry her boyfriend, Warner Huntington III, played by Matthew Davis.

Just when Elle thinks that her dream proposal is becoming a reality, Warner breaks up with her. He claims that if he is going to run for senator some day, he needs to be with someone that can be taken seriously.

Elle is heartbroken by this, and decides that she will have to follow him to law school in order to win him back. Elle applies to law school at Harvard… and she is accepted!

After being criticized by other students for “not being smart enough,” Elle decides to work harder than ever to prove that she is not just another pretty face.

Legally Blonde is a classic chick flick with a strong female lead. This movie also has a positive message, and is able to empower women to believe in themselves. Legally Blonde shatters the stereotype of the “dumb blonde,” and proves that women are capable of anything if they put their mind to it.