American Sniper

Directed by the iconic Clint Eastwood, American Sniper tells the true story of Navy Seal Chris Kyle, played by Bradley Cooper. Kyle is known as the most lethal sniper in U.S military history, killing more than 150 of the United States “enemies.”

Kyle was deployed four times in the war in Iraq. During this time, he was married and trying to raise a family. Unfortunately the horrifying things Kyle witnessed and did to others, brought him back to the States a broken man.  Most likely suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD),  he was constantly on edge and distant from his loved ones.

Going into this movie, I did not expect the majority of the film to feature Kyle in combat. My preconceived notion was that the movie would spotlight Kyle at home dealing with his PTSD.   The many scenes featuring  his tours were intense and gripping. The setting, characters, and plot were realistic. Even those who have been to war say it is the most realistic movie about the Iraq war they have ever seen.

This movie was the epitome of an emotional roller-coaster. I laughed, I cried (a lot).  My biggest issue with this movie is that near its end, the movie takes on an unrealistic tone. After four tours in Iraq,  Kyle comes home and and he is only depressed for a short amount of time, and then is completely fine. It just seemed as though it would take a lot more than a short period of therapy to fix a man who killed many people and saw his own friends die.

In real life, the story of Kyle takes on a sad and ironic twist. Kyle and a friend were killed at a Texas gun range in 2013. They had befriended a war veteran  who was suffering from PTSD.

There has been a hot bed of controversy following the release of the movie. On one side, Kyle has been vindicated as a war hero. On the other side, critics say the film promotes “murder” and that killing innocent Iraqi civilians as “fun.”  This top grossing war film has come out a potential winner in the Oscar race nominated in six categories, including Best Picture.

Politics and controversy aside, the film is extremely powerful. Viewers get an in depth view of the true lives of soldiers during war, between tours, and the aftermath of coming home.  The true story of American Sniper will not only be a film remembered for a long time. but will be considered one of the greatest war films of all times. It truly deserves its Oscar nominations.