Why the Starbucks Cups are Irrelevant

Photo Credit : Starbucks Newsroom

Photo Credit : Starbucks Newsroom

Shaun O'Brien, Health and Media Editor

One of the most anticipated holiday traditions nowadays is the arrival of the Starbucks holiday cup. However, this year there has been significant controversy surrounding the design of the cup.

In the past few years, Starbucks has had cups adorned with snow flakes and snowmen. This year the public was shocked when the nondenominational company released its winter cups which are all red with only the green Starbucks logo in the middle.

Starbucks says, “In the past, we have told stories with our holiday cups designs,” said Fields. “This year we wanted to usher in the holidays with a purity of design that welcomes all of our stories.”

Although, the past Starbucks cups have never had any particular Christmas decorations, many Starbucks customers were very displeased with the lack of Starbucks’ Christmas spirit.

Photo Credit:CNN.com


It is not surprising that many Americans reacted this way. Most commercial companies advertise Christmas, although not every American celebrates the holiday. It has become the norm for companies to advertise to a specific audience and for others to just deal with it. Yet, should all Americans to be subjected to a definite lifestyle? Are the red and green cups not festive enough?

This is not an isolated incident. On a grander scale, America is a melting pot of race and religion… right? “In God we trust” and “One nation under God” are prominently displayed on our currency and national pledge. Just because coffee cups aren’t catering to certain religion doesn’t mean that the rest of American culture is not. We shouldn’t claim diversity when it is in engraved in our history and has had no revisions.

So, anyone offended should relax and remember that just because one company does not honor your religion does not mean that society and countless other companies do not. The Starbucks cups are one of very few examples where the denomination of the holiday does not take precedence.