Five Seniors Celebrated During Volleyball Senior Night

Great Season Seniors!

Vanesa Hoxha, Staff Reporter

On October 22, 2019, Regina Dominican Volleyball hosted senior night against Woodlands Academy.  Five seniors will be graduating.  Regina Dominican hosts a senior night every year for each sport to celebrate the seniors for giving their time and passion to their sport. Senior night is typically an emotional night for not just the seniors, but for all the underclassmen that look up to the seniors as positive role models as well. The underclassmen on varsity volleyball are mostly in charge of setting up the night, with junior varsity’s help as well.

Posters, streamers, balloons, and fatheads typically fill the gym. Walking into the main gym, one can truly see the heart and effort taken into decorating and making it a special night. The hard work does not go unnoticed.

This year’s senior night began with the junior varsity game. As the game went on, the varsity volleyball girls were on the top bleachers screaming and cheering loudly for the junior varsity girls. The junior varsity girls finished the game strong with a win, setting a strong path for the varsity team and their game.

It was then time for the highlight of the night. This was the time the senior girls would be playing their last conference home game with the same girls, the same coaches, and in those same jerseys, for the last time.

The varsity girls played a great game. Reamer Seaton, varsity’s senior setter/right side said, “We had a slow start but we picked it up eventually. The people who came to support us definitely helped pick us up.”

The varsity girls ended up securing the win!

After the game, the junior varsity and varsity girls and their parents all gathered in the gym for dinner. In the previous years, the varsity and the junior varsity girls met in the cafeteria with all the parents, coaches, and food. When asking varsity’s senior outside, McKenna Barrett, what would be one thing she could change about senior night if she could, she said, “I would change the coordination between the school and athletics. We were unable to eat in the caf because of a meeting.”

Lily D’Agostino, varsity’s senior outside, said that “the moment was so surreal. We can’t believe we’re seniors already. Not gonna lie I cried a little bit,” when asked what her emotions were like during the senior night.

Priscilla McGhee, varsity’s senior libero said when asked what is one word or phrase you would use to describe the senior night, “A big realization. It’s crazy to think how big of an impact we actually have on each other’s lives, but senior night made me realize that I’m going to be leaving some great people behind when I head off to college,”

With more senior nights to come and plan for other sports, McKenna Barrett leaves the underclassmen with one piece of advice, “definitely work together and plan it in advance; the day really sneaks up on you.”

This bittersweet day came to an end with laughter, joy, and a few tears shed by varsity’s junior middle hitter, Emma Delaney.

Best of luck to all of our seniors in the future! We thank them for setting an amazing example of what it means to be a varsity, Regina athlete.

Photo Credit/Grace Kelly