The Young, Old Souls of Music

The Young, Old Souls of Music

Shaun O'Brien

In today’s fast moving society, being on trend and current is a obligation. Young people today are expected to know the latest everything about anything. It seems to be uncommon for a young person to like music that is from 30 years ago.

New music is so glorified that it leaves older music in the dust. However, there are young Regina fans of music from previous generations. I, for one, am a big fan of The Doors.

Below are a few oldies, but goodies noted by Regina music fans:


Fleetwood Mac 

Kathryn Cressy

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Favorite song:

What do you like about them?
“Their harmonies that they sing, the background and the melodies work really well together. And, the song, vibes.”

Bob Dylan 

Regina Trejo


Favorite song:
“Mommy You Have Been on My Mind”

What do you like about them?
“His music is timeless!”

The Doors 

Aileen Stanton and Shaun O’Brien

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Favorite song:
Aileen- “Peace Frog”
Shaun- “The Crystal Ship”

What do you like about them?
Aileen-“Morrison was a great poet. I love how the music makes me feel. I can feel his emotions in every word.”

Shaun- “I like the style of music. I think a lot of their songs are great. Whereas some classic bands only have a few songs that I enjoy. I think their music evokes feelings. I think Jim Morrison was an interesting and creative person that added a unique sound. I can tell there was a lot of thought put into their songs.”


The Grateful Dead 

Cassidy Pipino 

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Favorite song:

What do you like about them:
“My name originates from a Grateful Dead song, so I feel very close to the band. I really like the Dead Head community.”


Led Zeppelin 

Claire Beiter 

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Favorite song:
“All of My Love”

What you like about them:
“Fun to listen to, and good for any occasion.”


Hall and Oats 

Barbara Schultz 


Favorite song:
“Rich Girl”

What you like about them:
“I grew up listening to them.”



Colleen Palmer

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Favorite song:
“Take a chance”

What you like about them:
“All their songs are great!”


The Beatles 

Maggie Haron

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Favorite song:
“Here comes the sun”

What you like about them:
“They are a classic band that never gets old.”



Kelly French 


Favorite song:
“Crazy for you”

What you like about them:
“Justin Timberlake really speaks to me. I love his hair. I grew up with them and loved to sing along to them in my room with their posters covering my wall. I bought all their cd’s and know all the words to their songs. I would consider myself the biggest Nsync fan ever. They are so dreamy and have voices of angles.”