The Gun Goes off for Track
March 31, 2015
The Varsity track team has had a very strong start to their season. They have competed in 5 indoor meets and done extremely well.
Everyone on the team has already beaten their time from last year. The team is continuing to strive to become the best they can be by practicing hard everyday.
This year’s captains include Niamh Ryan ’15, Kate McDonough ’15 and Barbara Acacia ’15. They help run the practice and keep everyone on track. They are also teaching the younger girls the ropes for after they graduate.
There are many new-comers to the team, however Kelly Richards ’17 has been a standout. This is Richards first year on the team and runs mid distance and sprints.
“She has a lot of potential and is a very strong component for our team. I’m really glad she came out for the team,” said Ryan.
These three captains are not the only seniors on the team. There are 7 seniors on the team who want to end their season strong.
“I think it’s definitely sad , but being a senior is a big motivator to work hard and make personal records,” said Ryan.
The panthers also welcomed a new head coach his year: Ms. Block, who is also the Latin teacher. She is assisted by Mr. Bohlke and Ms. Bohlke.
Their first outdoor track meet is March 31.