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The student news site of Regina Dominican High School


The student news site of Regina Dominican High School


The student news site of Regina Dominican High School


PhotoCredit/Leadership Scholars

Junior Leadership Scholars Take Action

Maeve Newton, Contributing Staff Writer February 9, 2020

This year the Junior Class Leadership Scholars have taken on innovative projects that wrestle with global issues. As they kick-start the new year, they are ready to take action.  The director of the...

Panther of the Month: January

Panther of the Month: January

Grace Galante, Content & Social Media Editor February 9, 2020

Freshmen Our Freshmen Panther of the Month is.......Gabi Kerrigan! Gabi Kerrigan is known for her hard work in school, her athleticism, her humor, and most importantly, her kindness to others. According...

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