Suzanne LeFevre

Bella Karwatowitz, Co Editor-in-Chief

Suzanne Lefevre was born and raised in Woodland Hills, a neighborhood of Los Angeles in Southern California. She attended Louisville High School, which is an all girl’s school that she says is “very similar to Regina”.  LeFevre attended the University of Notre Dame where she received a degree in finance.  She is the Vice President of Finance. In her free time, she likes to garden and do puzzles.

1) What do you expect out of Regina? 
I hope to make sure that I do the best I can in my department to support Regina’s mission.

2) Why did you decide to come work at Regina? 
I’ve had array of similar work in the past, including a position in the office of finances at a Catholic Church, which I really enjoyed.  So in that way discovering Regina is an extension of what I’ve always done.

3) What is your favorite part of Regina so far?
It’s neat how every day I’m something something different.  I could be working with families who are seeking financial aid, organizing bills, or setting up fundraising agendas all in one day! That being said, I love the energy you young people bring.

4) What would you want to do if you weren’t at Regina?
I would love to travel the world.  I’ve been to Southeast Asia and parts of Europe, but I’d especially love to visit China, Russia, Southern France, Italy, and or Australia.

5) What are you looking forward to the most?
My goal is for to see my job to best help prepare Regina girls with the right resources to become intelligent young women.

6) Where would you go in a time machine?
I love the historical fiction series  The Mirror of the Light by Hilary Mantel, which follows the biography of Thomas Cromwell and the English monarchy of the late middle ages.  It’s fascinating how powerful these people were. Outside the palace walls, there were poor babies dying of the plague. You know, I would love to go back to that era and understand how they saw the world. It was a fascinating time.

7) If Hollywood made a movie about your life, whom would you like to see play the lead role as you?
Meryl Streep.  She doesn’t look like me (laughs), but she has so much variety from the many characters she has portrayed.

8) Who is your favorite Disney Princess?
Belle from Beauty and the Beast.  While many of the Disney princesses seem to have everything handed to them, she had to make her own decisions, which I admire.

9) If you were a salad, what kind of dressing would you have?
These are funny questions! I would say a mustard vinaigrette. It’s tangy but not too creamy and overpowering.

10) What teacher in school had the most impact on you and why?
Yes: my AP history teacher.  I’ll never forget the first exam we took in her class.  Nobody got an A, and this was a class of top-notch students where many of them had never received a C or D on a test before in their life! But she set the bar by grading hard, but she pushed me without destroying me.  She saw enormous potential in everyone and wouldn’t let it go to waste.  Not only did I get one of the best grades on the AP test in the school because of her wonderful lectures, but she also became a wonderful mentor for me for many years.