Regina News September Round Up

Katie Burke, Staff Reporter

Regina Renovation Includes AUD and New Playing Field

                                                                                                                                                                                                         Photo Credit/

Summer was a busy few months with many renovations occurring at Regina Dominican. The two most prominent renovations within the school were the renovation of the Auditorium and the Convent being torn down to make way for a new lacrosse/soccer practice field or official softball field.

When Regina opened in 1959, the convent was built for the sisters to live while working at school.  Up to 2012, over 50 sisters have lived in the convent. In 2012, the three remaining sisters decided to vacate the convent.  Later, the decision was made to demolish the building. During the end of September, grass seed was put down and the field will be ready for spring sports.

According to Ms. Leferve, the Vice President of Financial and Operations, said, “It was a bittersweet sweet decision,” but the new space will be put to great use by the sport teams.”

The other important renovation within the school includes the remodeling of the AUD.  The floor has been replaced and new seats have been installed. A handicapped ramp has been added to the orchestra pit and another ramp will provide access to the stage.   The theatre department will have access to to the stage by mid-October to get ready for their November musical.

Back to School Mass:

On Sept. 1, 2016, students and faculty attended the first mass for the new school year. This year, the mass was led by Father Peter.  At the end of the mass, the new Dominican Preachers were initiated and blessed by Father Peter along with the entire Regina community.

Back to School Night:

On Sept. 1, parents followed in their daughters’ footsteps as they visited classes to experience what their daughters would learn during the upcoming school year. Parents got to meet teachers and learn about the courses their daughters were taking.  Parents attended 10 minute classes, Periods A through H.   During the student’s study period, parents were able to go the cafeteria and meet Regina Dominican’s new president, Elizabeth Pattera. Back to School night allowed parents to see the day to day life of a Regina student.

Mrs. Stenson, a Regina Mathematics teacher, said, “Back to School Night is a wonderful event where the Regina Dominican community gets the opportunity to meet one another!”

Falls Sports Preview: 

On Sept. 20, the fall sport teams including, volleyball, swimming, tennis, cross-country, and golf, took part in holding a sports preview.  The Falls Sports Preview allowed perspective students and their families could come to Regina and learn more about the athletics program.  Each team planned various activities for the students to play and at the end everyone gathered in the gym to watch a volleyball game.

Fall Honors Assembly:

On Sept.27, students and faculty gathered in Room 113 for the Falls Honors Assembly. At the assembly, students from each grade received awards in academics, service, sports, leadership, music, and attendance.

Daddy Daughter Tailgate:

On September 11, Student Council sponsored their annual Daddy Daughter Tailgate.  Students were able to bring their dads to school on Sunday afternoon and watch the Bears Game. Daughters and dads ate and played in a Bags Tournament.

Meagan Murphy, a Regina student and Student Council representative, said, ” The tailgate was a blast and a great way for students to hang out with their dads and classmates.”

Kyleigh Daulkin ('18), Stephanie Zalinski ('17), Claire Beiter ('17), Maggie McNaughton
Kyleigh Daulkin (’18), Stephanie Zalinski (’17), Claire Beiter (’17), Maggie McNaughton