Regina News April
April 28, 2016
Class Leadership Board and Advisory Representative Elections: Current freshman, sophomore, and junior students gave speeches to their prospective grades on April 7 presenting themselves as candidates for Class Leadership Board and Advisory Representatives. On April 8, students voted, and their leadership boards were chosen.
ACT at Regina: The ACT was administered at Regina Dominican on April 9. This standardized test is administered several times throughout the year. Most juniors take this hours-long test as a requirement for admission into college.
WYSE State Final Competition: On April 11, Regina’s Worldwide Youth in Science and Engineering (WYSE) team competed at a state competition held at the University of Illinois at Champaign-Urbana. The team placed 9th out of 27 schools in their division, and Sunny Xu ’16 achieved 6th place in the physics competition.
College Fair: Regina held its annual college fair on April 13 in the gym. Over 100 colleges and universities from all over the country were represented, and there was ample time for Regina students to gather information and ask questions. The seniors simultaneously particpated in a presentation by Peer Services about adjusting to college life.
Pep Assembly: The spring pep assembly was held on April 15. The spring sports lacrosse, softball, soccer, bass fishing, and track were highlighted. The captains of each team introduced each of their varsity teams. There were a series of tug of war games and a performance by the Orchesis dancers, and of course, there was an all-school dance party at the end.
Fine Arts Open House: April 15 was also the Fine Arts Open House night. It was a time for prospective and current Regina students to appreciate the outstanding fine arts that our students participate in during the school year. Dance, song, literature, art, and theater were all well represented.
National Student Leadership Week: Throughout the week of April 18, Regina’s students were celebrated as leaders throughout National Student Leadership Week. Advisory projects as well as the Leadership Institute’s social media campaign were highlights of the week’s activities.
All School Picnic: The spring all-school picnic was April 22. Although it was held inside due to the cold weather, the students had a blast eating and listening to music together together during one lunch period. Everyone even received a free cupcake thanks to the Leadership Institute celebrating National Student Leadership Week!
Earth Rally: In the afternoon on April 22, the Earth Day Rally took place in the cafeteria. The environmental science classes hosted the rally and raised money to save marine life through games, tie dying, recyclable trinkets, and food from the science classes.
National English Honor Society Induction: On the night of April 27, 32 sophomores and juniors were inducted into Regina’s newest honor society.
Senior College T-Shirt Day: Seniors sported t-shirts and sweatshirts with the college they will be attending on April 27, and they took their official picture that day as well.
St. Catherine of Siena Liturgy: Regina Dominican capped off Dominican Week on April 29 with a mass for the feast day of St. Catherine of Siena.
Spring Concert: The night of April 29 was the Spring concert showcasing Regina’s Orchestra, Choir, and Chorale.