Regina News

Photo Credit/ Bella D'Agostino

Photo Credit/ Bella D’Agostino

Hannah Wavrek, Sports Editor

With an extra long February because of leap year, Reginites have been keeping busy this February.  These are some of the things they have been up to:

Catholic Schools Week 

The first week of February was Catholic Schools Week. Celebrated differently by all schools, Regina girls reflected on the Dominican pillars during advisory each day. The words and ideas they came up with are currently being displayed in the first floor hallway across from the chapel.

Wellness Day 

Regina’s biennial Wellness Day took place Feb. 2.  Students got to dress down and travel with their advisory while exploring wellness through presentations on spiritual, mental, physical, and emotional health. Some highlights included Zumba dancing, smoothie making, and a therapy dog!

Spirit Week

Spirit Week is essentially the Gnimocemoh Week of Second Semester. Students spent Feb. 3-5 celebrating Regina with games at both lunches and got to wear their long sleeve 2016 spirt shirts throughout the week. This also coincided with Catholic Schools Week.

Winter Bash

Feb. 5 was Winter Bash, Regina’s winter dance. The theme of the night was “Regina Hits the Surf” and the cafeteria was decorated accordingly in a beach theme.

Winter Pep Assembly 

Feb. 5 was also the Winter Pep Assembly. It celebrated Basketball, Bowling, and WYSE teams.  There was also a sneak peak of the Orchesis show in between student vs. faculty games. Reginites also had an Early Dismissal on this day. Go Panthers!!

Mardi Gras

The National Honors Society helped celebrate “Fat Tuesday” on Feb. 9. NHS sponsored a bead and bake sale during both lunches.

Ash Wednesday

Feb. 10 was Ash Wednesday and Regina students and faculty celebrated with mass in the Auditorium. They also heard a reflection on Lent from Dominican Preacher, Jessica Wollney ’16.

24-Hour Play

Regina Dominican Thespians sponsored the 24-hour play on Feb. 11 and 12. Open to all, students stayed all night to write, cast, rehearse, and perform their own play.

Long Weekend

Feb. 12-15 was the President Day long weekend. The school was closed for Friday and Monday, which provided a nice break during this cold month.

Senior In-class Field Trip

On Feb. 18, the senior class had an in-class field trip sponsored by the Leadership Institute. Kay McBrearty, founder of Waterville Partners, spoke to seniors about career coaching and “finding their internal compass” and how to use this to make meaningful life decisions. These are skills that will help seniors as they continue on to college in the fall.

Variety Show

The Variety Show was a hit, as always. On Feb. 19, Regina girls—and even some teachers—showed off their talents to the rest of the school through dance, song, and other performances.

Leadership Speaker

The Leadership Institute welcomed Dolly Duffy to the Speaker Series on Feb. 22. She is the the executive director of the Notre Dame Alumni Association and associate vice president for University Relations. For her work, Dolly oversees the communications, marketing, finance, technology, alumni affinity groups, and professional, academic, spiritual, and service programs of the association. She spoke about being a woman in the workplace, managing her work and family life, and leadership.


On Feb. 24, Regina Dominican welcomed priests from the surrounding area for Reconciliation. During this prayerful time of Lent, it gave everyone the opportunity to step back and reflect on their promises to God and their life in faith.

Lyric Opera Field Trip

On Feb. 25, the music department took their annual field trip to the Lyric Opera House. Fine Arts students traveled downtown to see Charles Gounod’s opera, Romeo and Juliet.

Orchesis Performance 

The Regina Dominican Orchesis Dance Company gave their yearly performance Feb. 26 at 7 pm in the Auditorium. The theme was Monet in Motion and each piece was inspired by some form of art.

Spring Sports Tryouts

Tryouts for Regina Softball, Soccer, Lacrosse and Bass Fishing took place Feb. 29.  Be sure to support Regina teams as they begin their spring seasons!