Regina News

Regina News

Hannah Wavrek, Sports Editor

National Honors Society Induction

On Nov. 4, at a ceremony in room 113, juniors and seniors were accepted into NHS.  This national organization has the pillars of service, leadership, scholarship, and character.  New members read essays they wrote for their application based on these four pillars, and a reception followed.


The musical love story, Brigadoon was preformed on Nov. 20 and 21 after weeks of dedicated practicing. The stars of the show were Emily Bochenek ’16, Aileen Stanton ’16, and Peter Merikoski ’16 from New Trier.

Thanksgiving Prayer Service

On Nov. 24, the Regina community gathered to acknowledge all cultures and their celebratory traditions. This was demonstrated through prayer, reflections, and dance. This prayer service made it clear that we are very  blessed to have such a diverse community here at Regina.

Raffle Free Day

Way to go Reginites! Students got Nov. 30 off because the raffle fundraising goal was met.  The Panther Patio has already started to be constructed from these funds, and the new ping pong tables can be seen in the caf.


Photo Credit: Hannah Wavrek
Photo Credit: Hannah Wavrek

Christmas Caroling

The Chorale class caroled at the Glenview Country Club on Dec. 2 to spread the Christmas spirit to the community.

Ugandan and Fair Trade Market

On Dec. 3, the Ugandan and Fair Trade market took place during both lunches. All proceeds raised went to Note Karacel, a non-profit organization that is dedicated to education and community development in central Uganda.


Ring Day and Immaculate Conception Mass

On Dec. 8, the Regina Dominican community celebrated the Immaculate Conception with mass. Additionally, the class of 2016 was introduced for the first time in their graduation caps and gowns.  Parents were invited to attend as the seniors got their class rings blessed, and then attended a reception sponsored by the class of 2018.

Semester Exams

Finals begin on December 15.  Good luck ladies!