Paws Up To Regina’s Newest English Teacher, Jessica Barrett
Photo Credit/ Photo Credit/Jayde Mabin
This year Regina welcomed several new teachers and Mrs. Barrett was one of them. Barrett was born in Maine, but grew up in Vermont. She obtained her undergraduate degree in English at the University of Vermont. She later received a masters in English at the University of Virginia and taught English, while a graduate student. She moved to Chicago and attended Northwestern University to complete a master’s degree in teaching.
Mrs. Barrett also spent two years teaching middle school students at St. Benedict Prep in Chicago. Working as a teacher at St. Ben’s middle school, she learned much about teaching younger students from the various roles she was able to take on, such as being a homeroom teacher.
Mrs. Barrett attributes her love for teaching to her older sister. “My older sister was always interested in teaching me.” Barrett said.
Mrs. Barrett’s older sister was also the one who taught her how to read, adding to her love of learning. This love of learning took her to traveling the countryside and visiting national parks in Arizona and New Mexico in her twenties. Mrs. Barrett enjoys meditative hobbies. Some of these hobbies include: puzzles ( jigsaw and crossword), making collages and doing yoga. Sounds like Mrs. Barret will fit right in here at Regina. Panthers love to travel and enjoy doing the same hobbies as well!