PAWS UP! For The Week Of September 27
Nominator: Patrick Hogan
Nominee(s): Katherine Schuenzel
Why? Kat has shown tremendous dedication in mastering adjective and noun forms in Latin and achieved an A on the first essential test of the year!
Nominator: Ms. Tully
Nominee(s): Francesca Alferez
Why? Francesca single handedly started and is now continuing with the Pen Pal Club. This year Regina students will exchange letters with a school in Japan, which Francesca is arranging with the help of her Global Online Academy Japanese teacher!
Nominator: Daina Muslicic
Nominee(s): Haneefa Adam
Why? She’s been a great friend on and off the volleyball court, and her humor is unmatched!
Nominator: Mary Lindstrom
Nominee(s): Muriel Reese
Why? Paws up to Muriel Reese. I was walking out of my class and I dropped my water bottle and it spilled everywhere. She told me to go to my next class and she cleaned up the entire mess herself. It was so kind and a great example of how Regina girls look out for each other.
Nominator: Elizabeth McCann
Nominee(s): Sophia Rankin, Anais Martinez, Mirai Silva
Why? Sophia, Anais, and Mirai helped prepare goodie bags after school for the Booster Club Golf Outing.
Nominator: Ms. Kaferly
Nominee(s): Lexi Facchini, Sarah Hermann, Kirka Kallioras, Abbey Schurr
Why? For jumping into AP Computer Science with excitement and having great discussions
Nominator: Emily Chavez, Cate McNamara, Madison Maloney, Lauren Millar, Kendall Maloney, Gabi Kerrigan, Josette LaFramboise
Nominee(s): Ms. Eichler
Why? Ms. Eichler has always gone above and beyond to help us succeed, has been so patient with us and makes AP Bio fun!
Nominator: Mrs. Van Treese and Ms. Gianos
Nominee(s): Mrs. Allworth, Mr. Michalek, and Ms. Arends
Why? Thank you for coming in to watch our commericials for the Reformation!
Nominator: Mrs. Van Treese and Ms. Gianos
Nominee(s): Period E and Period F World History
Why? Our Reformation Jingle Off was a success. We are looking forward to future competetion between these two World History classes!
Nominator: Period G Spanish III Class
Nominee(s): Profesora Arojona-Sisto
Why? For being such a great teacher. She always does the most to advocate for our understanding and is so encouraging!! We love her so much and are so grateful to have her as our spanish teacher!!!
Nominator: Noah Pligge
Nominee(s): Sarah Degand
Why? Artist of the Week
Nominator: Joan Kitchie
Nominee(s): Elizabeth McCann, Helene Genetos, Peggy McNulty
Why? Thank you for all your incredible work to bring about a super successful golf outing
Nominator: Brian Mancuso
Nominee(s): Maggy Shaw
Why? Athlete of the Week-All GCAC Golf for the 2nd straight year!