PAWS UP! For The Week Of November 15
Nominator: Maddie Lunt, Maeve Kostyk, and Maggy Shaw
Nominee(s): Ms. Toomey
Why? Our period D Catholic Social Teaching class would like to give a Paws Up to Ms. Toomey for being amazing and always caring about us!
Nominator: Jen Salerno
Nominee(s): Sarah Hermann
Why? For her random act of kindness and taking it upon herself to clean the sink area in the art room last week! Sarah cleaned brushes, palettes and wiped down the counters making it a much more pleasant workspace for all the art students! Thank you, Sarah!
Nominator: Elizabeth Schuster
Nominee(s): Mr. Pligge, Ms. V and the cast, crew, and pit of Annie
Why? They created a fabulous production that brought so much joy to everyone who got to experience it.
Nominator: Claire Blasko, Sofie Goby, and Elizabeth Ingraffia
Nominee(s): Ms. Fuentes
Why? Paws up to Ms. Fuentes for giving us the opportunity to volunteer at the paper shredding event and giving us donuts, coffee, and hot chocolate
Nominator: Ms. Eichler
Nominee(s): Ella Lynch, Sophia Rhoda – Akosah, and Marie Maranto
Why? Paws up to Ella and Rhoda for dealing with the popcorn machine madness during intermission on Friday night; and thanks to Marie for covering the concessions stand while we dealt with all of that.
Nominator: JV Basketball Team
Nominee(s): Peyton Bertsch, Kylie Hammer, Dani Lajun, and Meghan Carrigan
Why? Thanks for being the greatest supporters at their first game of the season. We appreciate their energy and support which helped lead us to victory! Paws up to the best cheerleaders!
Nominator: Ms. V
Nominee(s): Artist of the Week: Vanesa Hoxha, Kirka Kallioras, Liz Lannon, Melanie Ovalle, Catherine Patti, Jocelyn He, Holly Shero, Abbey Schurr, Cindy Chen
Why? Seniors part of the musical! Congratulations on an amazing final high school musical performance! We are so proud of all of your hard work over the past four years.