Pat McDonell See Leadership as Collaborative
Collaboration and Listening are Key
December 16, 2014
How would you describe your leadership style?
I would describe my leadership style as a collaborative one. I have always enjoyed being part of a team when working in a leadership role. This leadership style has also helped me to better understand and meet the needs of students, faculty/staff, and parents while working in an administrative role.
Describe the most important quality, value, or characteristic trait that you feel is most essential to be an effective leader.
I think it is vitally important to be a good listener. As a leader, it is often how you actively listen and then respond to feedback people share with you that will determine your effectiveness.
What is the hardest part of being a leader?
One of the most difficult things a leader has to do is make a tough decision knowing that it may not be a popular decision. During those moments, it is important to remember that it is virtually impossible to please all of the people, all of the time.
What is the best part of being a leader?
I think the best part of being a leader is one’s ability to contribute to the growth and development of others. There is also that sense of pride you feel when a goal is accomplished and you have been there to lead the way.
What person, famous or not, has had an impact on you as a leader? Tell us about it.
In my early years as an administrator, I had the pleasure of working with a woman named Judy Schutter. I think more than anything she taught me the importance of leading by example. Judy was a principal who was highly respected by both her faculty and students because she always “walked the walk.” I witnessed her collaborative decision making skills and her strong sense of fairness, integrity and compassion in any situation she faced. As a leader, she helped me to see how important it was to always be open to different points of view.
What advice would you give Regina’s graduating seniors?
First and foremost, enjoy and make the most of your final months at Regina Dominican! Approach your college years with an openness to growth and endless possibilities. As you meet new people and face new situations, trust your instincts because you are intelligent, confident and compassionate young women.