Letter to Seniors
Photo Credit/ Photo Credit/K. Watson
Dear Seniors,
How can we possibly describe the feeling of graduating on one mere page? We, the Senior Crown Editors Bella D’Agostino, Sam Koutnik, and Regina Trejo, along with the help of Maggie McNaughton and Aster Ryan, will try to articulate this amazing achievement.
Just four years ago, we were walking through the doors on Locust as freshmen. We were afraid and excited for what was to come. We survived our first Gnimocemoh, Fall Fling, Winter Bash, and Dance Marathon with hunger for more. Although Mrs. Wildman’s biology class was mind blowingly difficult and Theology class with Sister Cora was daunting, we did it. Yes, we all survived our first year at Regina Dominican High.
As our sophomore year approached, most of us dreaded coming back to school, but secretly longed to return to the friendly walls of Regina. We climbed the ranks by attending Mr. Small’s American History class and reading Huck Finn until we didn’t even realize in June we were driving away from our very own parking spots at school.
Junior year rolled by and we knew the ropes; there was no pool on the third floor, bosco stick day was a day sent from the heavens, and you had to pull your socks up when you passed by Ms. Mueller’s class. We were able to reminisce on the past two years, and were just gearing up for the home stretch.
Then two deans later, we approached the start of our senior year of high school. We had only heard of senioritis before it became an unhealthy reality. We pushed through classes, even though our assignments might have been late and we refused to acknowledge that our college letters were due. We muddled through enjoying every sentimental last Gnimocemoh, Fall Fling, Winter Bash, Dance Marathon, and, finally, Prom. And, hey, we got into college! What could be more fun than four more years of school?
Regardless of what colleges we are going to, we are all going places and looking forward to an exciting future. Regina Dominican has prepared every single one of us to do the best we can after high school. Even though we will be some distance away from one another, the bonds we have created at Regina will last a lifetime.
Have fun in all your future endeavors. Peace Love Reginites 4 Lyfe.
Much love,
The Senior Editors