Lee Garza

Claire Radler, Co-Editor-in-Chief

How did you find this job or what attracted you to work at Regina?
Well, I am a former graduate of Regina and I have two daughters currently at Regina and I have one that has already graduated from Regina, so it was a necessity to work in the cafeteria to try and make ends meet.

Daily routine?
For me, I usually start at 7 o clock after I drop my oldest daughter off at orchestra and I come straight here and I help Corce put everything out and get the line ready with all the utensils, napkins just to make sure that everything is out for the girls to come and eat. Then I prepare peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. I am the maker of all the cookies in the cafeteria. We all chip in on other various jobs depending on how many people are here during the morning and what needs to be done.

How do you decide the menus?
Corce usually does that and it’s planned like in a month in advance. She tells us what we are having today and we follow her lead.

Do you memorize the recipes?
Corce does all the main cooking and all the other moms do the little necessities such as making the hamburgers, the chicken sandwiches, and the wraps. Corce makes all the main courses.

Favorite recipe?
There’s a lot out there that’s really good. I can’t pick just one.

Are you cooking for the holidays?
I usually get out of cooking for the holidays because I work retail as a full time job so I’m usually busy, but I help out with bringing a side dish- anything from a dessert to potatoes to lasagna.

What were you involved in when you were a student here?
I was in Latin club, yay Latin! I was also in crew for all the plays since we did a couple of plays a year. There were so many things. We had a lot more students when I was here.

How has Regina changed since you were a student?
In my graduating class, there were about 260 girls and over 1,000 girls in the whole school. Everybody had a lot of fun. I can still feel that atmosphere when I come here now. I love it, I love Regina.