Lacrosse Season Looks Promising

Photo Credit/Regina Yearbook

Photo Credit/Regina Yearbook

Shaun O'Brien, Health Editor

The lacrosse program is certainly on the rise. This season look promising after a great turn out for tryouts and the strong players on both the varsity and junior varsity levels. Over the course of the past three years, the program has grown and expanded.  For one of the first times in Regina lacrosse history, the team can afford multiple subs for the games.

Nora Byrne ’16, Lily Hackett ’16, and Flo Hoxha ’17 are this year’s varsity captains. They all are very experienced and driven to have a winning season. Junior Varsity has many new players that are quickly learning the game, and they are eager and dedicated to have a great season as well.

Allie Svachula ’17 says, “I am very excited for this season. This is my second year playing Regina lacrosse, and I am happy to return. We have a lot of skilled players. I think we will have a great season.”

You also may have seen Ms. Speth working hard in the admissions department, but she is also a valued and experienced lacrosse head coach.

Read below to find out what Coach Speth has to say about this season.

Q: How is the season going so far? 

A: The season is going great!  We had our first games on Saturday and it was fun to finally see how we compete against other teams.

Q:Who is your biggest competition so far?

A: We played Fenwick really close, but we have Resurrection and Carmel coming up and I think those will be really tight games again this year.

Q:What is something you hope to accomplish by the end of this season?

A: My goal is win a playoff game this year.  It’s going to be tough, but this group can do it.

Q: What is unique about this season’s team compared to past teams?

A: The skill level is very high this year.  We have some incredibly talented players that returned, but we are bringing in equally great new talent.  We only added to our depth this year.  Plus, we actually have subs!!