Khawla Mousa

Bella Karwatowitcz

How did you get this job?
When my daughter, Yara Mousa ’15), first applied here, the office told me about this job , so I said yes.

What is your daily routine consist of?
I prepare everything for the fridge, like fruits, vegetables, salads, and chicken wraps.

What is your favorite recipe to make?
I like to cook things that have rice in it.  Before Christmas, everybody here brings some food to share, and they like this spicy dish I make that has chicken and rice.

Do you cook for the holidays?
Yes.  Sure (laughs).

If you could live on one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?
That’s hard…I really like fruit.  I can eat anything that has fruit in it.

What is your favorite part about working at Regina?
The people I’m working with.  The staff is so nice and happy all the time.  I consider them my friends!