Fashion Trends at Jeans for Greens

Erina Loupos, Opinion Editor

Friday September 19 marked the first Jeans for Greens day at Regina. Student Council’s Jeans for Greens days are an opportunity for Regina girls to take a break from their plaid skirts for only a dollar. The money collected is donated to a different charity.  The donation for September will  be donated to the  Little Flowers organization.

Getting out of a uniform during Jeans for Greens is a great way for Regina girls to show off their unique fashion styles or show school spirit by wearing Regina wear. Many students paired sweaters with jeans and boots, perfect for the crisp fall weather.

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Gracie Simon ’17 paired a printed top and sweater with jeans and combat boots


Other popular trends included colorful jeans, leggings, plaid tops and combat boots.

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Emily Bochenek ’16 and Reem Darwish ’16 pose at the all school picnic in their favorite fall sweaters and jeans



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Screen Shot 2014-09-26 at 10.57.53 AM (Top) Kathleen Rock ’15 poses in stylish Harem pants (Bottom) Freshman and Junior friends pose in colorful shirts, jeans, and accessories

While many girls followed these trends, others dared to express themselves with unique styles such as two toned jeans or printed Harem pants. Some even used it as a day to dress up in sundresses or skirts.

It is safe to say that Regina girls are looking forward to the next Jeans for Greens to show off their favorite fashions, while also donating to a great cause.