Horoscope For May

Photo Credit/ pixabay

Bella D'Agostino, Photography Editor

Aries (3/21—4/19)

You are a very energized person. Even on sluggish days, other people may think that you are very happy and wild. Your energy may cause some problems if those around you do not feel the same way. Others may not move as fast or they may not be quick thinkers as you are. Slow down and take into consideration how others have different paces then you.

Taurus (4/20—5/20)

You may be tempted to spend a lot today. That is definitely your way of soothing yourself when something is not going your way. It may be nice to spend money on yourself, but you should not make it a habit. Limit spoiling yourself so it does not become a problem.

Gemini (5/21—6/20)

You are very innovative and you put your sense of humor into every situation.This makes you very open-minded and approachable. However, be careful with who you use your humor with. That person may not understand your sense of humor and get the wrong idea.

Cancer (6/21—7/22)

Your moods and emotions may be very wild right now. This often happens to you. You are a very emotional person and your feelings reflect your behaviors. You may be feeling very emotionally off, but you must not express your feelings. They will change soon, so do not worry.

Leo (7/23—8/22)

You often demand what you want instead of asking for it, which matches well with your leadership qualities. However, this tactic often does not work with important people in your life. People may understand how to deal with your ways, but others may not. Learn to sacrifice some of your actions for others.

Virgo (8/23—9/22)

People will often come and go in your life. They might be more important, or you might just forget about them. You will learn from the important people. You should try to keep the important relationships in your life strong and caring. If you have a conflict with any important person, you should try to resolve it so that you keep a strong bond.

Libra (9/23—10/22)

You may be starting to think that nothing is going right for you. The dwelling on hard times is actually causing you to make nothing going right. Good things will happen to you, but you must keep an open mind.

Scorpio (10/23—11/21)

You may have to stand up for something you believe in soon. This may be hard, especially if you are the only one believing in it. The negative attitudes and questions in response to your opinion may be making it harder for you to believe in what you want. If you show that you are loyal to the situation, good things can come out of it.

Sagittarius (11/22—12/21)

An exchange with some random person may be very important and lasting. They might become an important friend, or they might say something that makes you think deeper into things. Don’t hesitate to talk to people even if it might be scary. The encounter can change your life.

Capricorn (12-22—1/19)

You may be thinking intensely about a new possibility. People can see how interested you are because you are showing it off. You can use the people that understand to help you make your dream a reality. If you come off as too intense, you can scare those away. Demonstrate your ideas in a practical way.

Aquarius (1/20—2/18)

You may be having a reoccurring argument. You have these arguments at different times, but the outcome is always the same. No matter who tries to compromise, you can’t agree. You may be wondering if this is all worth it. It may not be worth it as you may be damaging a relationship. Try to take a step back, and realize what is truly important.

Pisces (2/19—3/20)

Someone who has stood by you through everything may not be there this time. You feel let down, disappointed, and angry, but there could be reasons why this person is not here. Take a look at the whole situation, and see if there is a reason why they are pushed away.