Hardwork Beats Talent
2018 Regina Varsity Softball Season
Photo Credit/ R. Becker
Varsity Softball celebrates their St. Patrick’s day victory after their first double header of the season
April 11, 2018
In previous years, Softball has had its fair share of disappointing seasons and trouble getting the program successfully running. There were many seasons which ended with only 3 or 4 victories and returning players were left with little to no morale. Last year this ugly pattern came to a much needed end with a winning record of 18 victories including a win over Loyola Academy.
Suddenly, the team had just enough confidence in themselves and their team to realize that winning 18 games wasn’t enough and that they could do even better in the returning season with the right mindset.
Coach Jim Goranson however, never fails to remind the girls of the hardwork and dedication that is required in order to have a season better than last years. Playing teams who are able to recruit from a pool of students much larger than Regina’s, it is important that the team realize the only way to be better than the opposing teams is to do more than the opposing teams.
While opposing teams may have 50 students try out, Regina is lucky to have enough try out to field a team. This season, 18 girls tried out, leaving the team with 18 players of varying skill level. Numerically, the odds are against us. However, hard work can out weight talent and the varsity team is ready to prove it.
This means two hour practices every day after school, three hour practices on the weekends, time in the classroom working on plays as a team, repetitively hitting off of a tee until you can find zero flaws in your swing, and the most grueling; practicing outside in 35 degree weather to prepare for those long, cold games.
Coach Goranson says last year’s team made their biggest strides during spring break. It is safe to say that the team spent more time at Techny Towers than they spent at home during their spring break. Practice ran every afternoon for 2 hours followed by a short lunch break with a game afterwards.
As most players explained, it was tiring, but was is the week that they saw the most improvement and were able to see just how much hard work pays off. This years team plans on spending their spring break the exact same way.
The 2018 Varsity Softball team has its usual returners but has welcomed many newcomers this season. Freshman catcher Amy Reagan shares that she is “excited to see what this season and the next four years of Regina softball have in store.” Although it may take some time to understand the values and principles as well as the unique coaching style of Coach Goranson, the girls seem ready to take on the challenge and help the team however they can.
When asked for her thoughts on the upcoming season Kendall Barrett, one of 2 seniors on the team said, “I think that this is going to be a great season to see players develop. WE have a lot of new young players with great potential and I’m looking forward to seeing what we can do with that potential this year.”
Aside from practices and games, the team wanted to find a way to spend time getting to know each other but also giving back to the community. In the beginning of April the team will be cooking dinner for St. Leonards house, a halfway house for men, and serving it to the residents. The team is super excited to sit down and talk with the men and maybe even learn something from them.
Coach Goranson has taken past teams to St. Leonards house and his daughter, assistant coach Nikki Goranson, promised the girls that it was one the most rewarding experiences of her life.
With help from the invested coaching staff, it is safe to say that with commitment, hard work, and cooperation from all 18 players, Regina’s Varsity Softball Team has an exciting season ahead of them.