Hailey at Yale!

Photo Credit/ Photo Credit/ Hailey Hoffman
Hailey Hoffman and a friend in New Haven, CT.
Hailey Hoffman, a junior at Regina Dominican had the opportunity to attend Yale University over the summer for an engineering camp. The camp was eight days and consisted of building robots, making memories, and visiting New York.
“It was really fun” Hailey said, “I met a lot of new and cool people. We had the opportunity to do a lot of cool stuff like building robots.”
The two robots Hailey built actually won first place! Hailey and the other students went to a place called Brookhaven National Laboratory that had a giant particle accelerator. It is called RHIC and it had ions that moved the opposite ways. The main purpose of RHIC was to try to recreate the moment of the Big Bang, when everything was created.
Another concept Hailey learned while on her trip was coding, which is becoming extremely popular in today’s technology age. With Hailey’s trip to Yale, she is bringing back the knowledge she learned of engineering and how she will continue to pursue engineering through Regina’s new Introduction to Engineering class.
The best thing Hailey learned while at Yale is collaboration no matter where you are from. She said, “I learned about people and leadership more than anything. It was cool because there was a guy from Costa Rica and and a girl from Panama and I learned that although we are all from different places we all can work together to form something great.”