Fall Fling DIY Decorations

Sam Koutnik, Staff Reporter

This year’s Fall Fling Dance decorations were full of “sweet” DIYs. The night was full of laugher and many dance moves. The junior class leadership board worked very hard until the last minute to get every decoration ready for the big night. The theme this year was Candy Land.

A majority of the decorations were homemade by the seven girls on the board. A big inspiration for the decorations came from ideas posted on Pinterest.

The first thing the board completed was the awesome Dum-Dum centerpieces found sitting on each of the tables.  This is how easy they are to create:

  1. Purchased styrofoam balls, Dum-Dums, and plastic punch glasses from Party City
  2. Carefully stick the Dum-Dums  into the styrofoam.
  3. Place the base of a plastic punch glassthey into the styrofoam balls.
  4. Sit back and watch as students pull out a Dum-Dum to eat!


The candies you saw on the wall:

  1. Purchased paper plates and tissue paper from Target.
  2. Wrap the paper plates in tissue paper and then tie the sides with ribbon.
  3. Hang on the walls.
  4. Step back and admire the candy


The candy cane  letters:

  1. Purchased white letters from Michaels.
  2. Taped the letters and then spray painted them red.
  3.  Let dry and then removed the tape to give it the candy cane effect.
