Everything You Need To Know About Regina’s Recent Construction
Photo Credit/ Photo Credit/Regina Dominican High School
If you’ve been around the Regina Dominican halls this year, then you’ve probably noticed the construction workers outside the now blocked off student entrance. Regina students started hearing the Advancement Office talk about rebuilding parts of the school, but it didn’t become a reality for the students until this year.
“The project is made up of four phases.” Mrs. Kitchie from the Advancements Office said, “Once all four phases are completed, 10-15 years, the total cost will exceed $40M.” Currently, Regina is in the middle of bringing Phase 1 to life. Phase 1, or the “Heart of the School” as Ms. Kitchie calls it, will cost $8.3M.
She said that the space “will include a gorgeous new main entrance, learning stairs, a commons space, new faculty dining room, three study corrals. We are taking the lockers out of the classroom. There will be a locker bay area on the second floor.”
However, the money isn’t just going to materialize out of thin air. So how does the school plan on raising it? According to Mrs. Kitchie, Regina “has assembled a Campaign Steering Committee who is helping us reach out to our donor base to ask them for the investment into Regina Dominican.”
So far the school has raised $6,938,678, and they intend to raise the remaining money via Regina alumnus.
The renovation changes for the school, According to Mrs. Kitchie,“We are transforming a 64 year old building to ensure a solid and inspiring future.”
Together with Regina alum and renowned architect Carol Ross Barney, Regina Dominican’s Board of Directors imagined a new Regina that, in Mrs. Kitchie’s words, “Will be matching the innovative education that Regina Dominican offers.”
About 70% of the construction has been completed for Phase 1. Students will be invited through their advisory to take a hard hat tour similiar to the tours that had already been given to certain donors and alum in the month of September by the Advancement Office.
“Bringing people in to see firsthand the progress we have made, inspires them to support this project and want to be a part of Regina Dominican’s new campus plan. The more people see these changes the more we are getting the word out about the exciting changes happening at Regina Dominican,” said Mrs. Kitchie.
On December 5, a panel of of women consisting of the project’s construction team, architects, finance, as well as Mrs. Schuster, Mrs. Kitchie, and Dr. Porreca shared their insights into the renovation project”Building Her Tomorrow.”

Sophia Rankin is a senior at Regina Dominican and a staff reporter for The Crown. She likes to write about events and activities happening around the school...