English Department Joins NEHS

English Department Joins NEHS

Kathleen Houston, Adviser

The National English Honor Society (NEHS) is a prestigious organization that recognizes high school students in the field of English. The English department is delighted to have just become a member of this society.

NEHS was founded and sponsored by Sigma Tau Delta, the International English Honor Society for colleges and universities.

The Regina Dominican chapter is coordinated by English teachers, Janey Joiner and Julie Campanaro. Nearly thirty sophomores and juniors  have been invited to be a member of the society. Students need a 4.5 GPA and a 4.6 in English.

Ms. Joiner stated that NEHS is a “cool organization especially for our students who are interested in English. Students who are invited to join will now be recognized for their strong academics in English and and will have the opportunity to go out into the community to promote reading and writing.”

Each chapter of NEHS focuses on a variety of goals to achieve. Regina Dominican’s chapter will focus on community outreach and service. The girls will focus on a literacy project within the community.

According to Joiner and Campanaro, their goal this year is to get students involved with the Adrian Dominican’s Chicago based Aquinas Literacy Center, which helps tutor students who wish to learn to read, write, and speak English.

Ms. Campanaro is looking forward to having students become  vital members of this organization. She said, “I am most excited for the opportunity to make a mark. With this new organization at Regina Dominican, girls can make this their own and create their own traditions.”

An induction for students will take place in April.