Do AirPods Cause Cancer?

Social Media Fact-Check

Do AirPods Cause Cancer?

Background Information

There are rumors going around on social media claiming that AirPods cause brain cancer. These claims say that 250 scientists from over 40 countries signed a petition expressing concern for radiation and bluetooth devices. These scientists never actually mentioned AirPods, but other news sources spread that.

The Original Source

The UN petition was released May 11, 2015 and was revised September 21, 2019.  These scientists requested many things, including manufacturers to develop safer technology, the public to be fully informed about about potential health risks, and radiation free areas.

What Sources are Saying

Many sources have proved this rumor to be false. Healthline says there is no link between AirPods and cancer. They also say “However, at this time, there’s no evidence suggesting that the amount of radiation emitted by AirPods is enough to damage your health.”


Sources say that it is false that AirPods can give you cancer.