College Fair– The Importance of Knowing Your Options

Photo Credit/ Grace Forde

Bella D'Agostino, Photography Editor

Each year, Regina Dominican hosts their annual college fair. This year, over 110 colleges and universities sent representatives to speak to the freshmen, sophomores, and juniors about the abundance of college opportunities that are soon approaching. A couple days before the college fair, the students were sent an email with all the names of the colleges, and many important questions to ask with the representatives.

For me, college fair was extremely stressful. Thankfully, my mom came to help me out because otherwise I would have been very lost since I get really nervous talking to representatives. I recommend thinking of questions to ask before hand and have them with you when you are there.

Freshman and sophomore year, college fair was really stressful. During sophomore year, I stressed out way too much even though I had another year to think about college. I would recommend, freshmen and sophomores, browsing some colleges but not looking into so much depth until you actually begin the college process so you can avoid my situation.

Junior year college fair, although stressful, was the most beneficial for me. I went in with a list of the colleges I was interested in, my intended major, and some questions I wanted to ask about their academic programs, social scene, etc. I recommend having one of your parents attend with you so they can ask questions about the admission process and financial aid.

Overall, college fair gave me a pretty good idea of some of the colleges that I would like to look at. I think it is a great opportunity to look at different colleges and it is one of the only times that 100+ college representatives will be in the same room at the same time designated to help you find the perfect match.

I know that the college process can be stressful, but if you take it one school and one step at a time, you will get through it!