A Music Festival Escalates into a Traumatic Event
Photo Credit/ Photo Credit/commons.wikimedia.org
On Nov. 5, a tragic and traumatic event happened at Astroworld Festival 2021. The music festival took place in Houston, Texas at NRG Park. It is run by famous rapper, Travis Scott.
The festival is usually two days, but this year it was cut short. This was because a stampede resulted in eight deaths and many injured on the first day of the festival. Within the next week, it was confirmed that two more people died, making that ten out of the 50,000 or more people that were there who were victim to the disaster.
Since the festival’s conclusion, people who attended the concert uploaded their own videos and posts of the event all over social media. Many fans and officials reported that the music festival was doing fine until after 9:00 pm, when Travis Scott made his appearance. Those who were in the crowd said that when Scott was about to start, they felt squeezed in and crushed, with many passing out as a result.
“The crowd was squishing me so much that I felt like I couldn’t breathe. I started screaming for help… I felt so scared, like I was going to die,” 22 year old Emily Munguia told CNN reporters.
A fan who had attended previous Astroworld shows said that it wasn’t weird or unusual for the crowd to “rage” when Travis showed up on stage. Apparently, during the show Scott yelled, “I wanna see some ragers, man. Who wanna rage?”
Scott’s shows have a history of being riotous, so the rowdy behavior of fans wasn’t anything new. At the same festival in 2019, it was reported that three people were trampled, injured, and hospitalized. Scott was arrested at least twice for incidents at concerts. In 2015 at Chicago’s Lollapalooza, he told fans to climb over the security set in place. He was sentenced to one year of court supervision, which resulted in him pleading guilty to misdemeanor reckless conduct from a previous show.
At this show, there were alleged reports of someone in the crowd injecting others with a drug that is usually used to treat narcotic overdoses. The Houston mayor implied that there were 11 cases of cardiac arrest. which would indicate that this is true, but it was too early to determine. The cause of deaths have not yet been determined and will not be made evident until the medical examiners have had time to examine the bodies, with results possibly available in the upcoming several weeks.
What was Travis Scott doing during the concert for his hurt and horrified fans? There are videos that show him looking into the crowd visibly confused once an ambulance moved into the crowd towards the fans. Nick Johnson and Angel Rodriguez told CNN that Scott stopped the show about three times asking for help.
“Travis Scott, he took pauses to point at the crowd to say like, ‘Go help them- they’re passed out,’” Rodriquez said.
Other people from the crowd say that he only stopped the show briefly. It has been said that he was performing for 30 minutes after the police declared the festival as a “mass casualty event.”
People in the crowd were trying to help others out and even started chants to get Travis’ attention and stop the show. One of the attendees who passed out, Madeline Eakins, was moved to safety via crowd surfing and luckily regained consciousness. Another girl was laying on the floor passed out and didn’t receive help for over 20 minutes before medics came. So, others took the initiative and started performing CPR on her.
Eventually, the show was stopped once Houston police and the security staff saw that the event was out of hand, but the harm had already been done.
The festival resulted in 10 dead and many injured. On the day of the festival, 8 were pronounced dead and two later on passed as well. At least 25 people were transported to the hospital, and 13 were still in the hospital until Saturday morning. Of those injured, five were under the age of 18. Over 300 people received treatment from a field hospital that was set up near the festival site. The youngest patient was only nine years old and ending up losing his life due to brain, kidney, and liver injuries from being crushed and trampled on.
Scott is currently facing over 300 lawsuits. The family of Ezra Blount, the 9 year old that lost his life, is seeking at least $1 million from Scott as a lawsuit they filed, stating that Blount was “nearly crushed to death.”
Scott made a tweet on Twitter the day after the event saying, “I’m absolutely devastated by what happened last night. My prayers go out to the families and all those impacted by what happened at Astroworld Festival.”
Authorities are saying that this is a criminal investigation and it’s still ongoing. Some information has not yet been confirmed about the event and is alleged.