Renee Czeryba of Walgreens Helps Regina Girls Recognize Their Gifts

On Friday, January 12, the Regina community was joined by Renee Czeryba, Manager of Store Care Programs at Walgreens. She visited Regina Dominican on behalf  Speaker Series hosted by Regina Dominican’s Leadership Institute. Ms. Czeryba had an inspiring story to share with the community which began when she was very young.

Czeryba spoke about her career path and the power of a Catholic education. She discussed the internships she had at different companies and how important these are when in college. Her favorite internship was working at General Electric.

Today, she has a management position at Walgreen’s working on signage and lighting for Walgreen stores. She also spends time helping those in need. Because of Walgreens’ committment to giving back to the community, she was instrumental in setting up temporary pharmacies during the hurricanes that hit Florida, Texas, and Puerto Rico last year. The hard work and commitment by Czerbya and her staff allowed for those affected by the hurricanes to get the prescriptions they desperately needed.

Along with being a mother to three children, Czeryba is talented at her job. She shared with the Regina community how she discovered her talents and gifts. She ended her talk by reminding students that they, too, had their own special gift or something unique to share with the world and it is just a matter of time in discovering them.