Rock the Vote


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You see it all over the news and hear about it at every family function or holiday. It has the gravity of something that can be life-changing, but is often overlooked by popular culture. Also, it has the power to divide the nation or bring it together towards a common goal. What could I be describing? Politics, of course!

According to Merriam-Webster, politics is defined as activities that influence the actions and policies of a government. Politics can also be described as the opinions that people have about what should be done in a government.

These two definitions have one thing in common: they both concern a government. That subject can be difficult to be interesting at times. Who wants to discuss reduced funding for an obscure governmental program when people could be discussing something exciting like a new scientific discovery or work of art?

I understand the occasionally mundane nature of politics, however, there are aspects of politics that can affect all of our lives. This makes it very important to discuss and challenge the ideas discussed within the political arena.

Our generation is just beginning to vote, in fact, many seniors will be voting in the 2016 Presidential Election. This is an exciting first vote to cast since we will be able to see the effects of our decisions. A new president can change so many things for the United States and even the world. This is the perfect time to be young and idealistic because of the vast possibilities ahead of us, especially in the upcoming election.

Photo Credit/pixabay
Photo Credit/pixabay

Politics always seemed to me to be the constant tearing down of another person. Every ad on television was an attack ad and debates were about explaining why the opposition was wrong. It was very negative and felt like a war rather than an important part of democracy.

However, I now know that politics can be a positive experience. It can be about standing up instead of tearing down. It can be about expressing ideas, protecting one another, and helping to build a better life for all Americans.

If you do not believe me, just look back in history to the politicians that have changed our lives forever. Franklin Delano Roosevelt was the commander-in-chief during one of the most turbulent times in American history. The Great Depression was tearing apart the nation and an end was not in sight. However, through his programs and other events of history, the economy began to change for the better. Some of his programs have even stood the test of time. For example, Social Security, one of the highlights of the FDR administration, is still in practice today and it helps millions of senior citizens maintain a good life after retirement.

Another president, Ronald Reagan, was the leader of the free world during the breakdown of the Soviet Union. He was not the sole reason that the Berlin Wall to come tumbling down, but he did help move the process along. The process of American politics both directly and indirectly helped to end the regime of one of our most dangerous enemies, and that fact is very important to remember if you ever feel that your vote does not count.

One of the problems I sometimes face with politics is that I do not always understand my views. It can be hard to form a strong opinion on something like tax reform if you do not pay your own taxes yet. However, there are also other issues that I feel strongly about which helps me to make a decision. There are many great resources to use if you do not understand what the issues are or how they can affect the country. One website called, ISideWith, has many different resources for research on the hot-button issues of today. There are even news stories that concern the political views of the candidates in the presidential election.

Overall, politics and the government play a very important role in young people’s lives. For this reason, we should all go out and rock the vote in November!