Reginites Reunited

Alumne share their Regina moments during journalism class.

Photo Credit/ Photo Credit/Nell Boylan

Alumne share their Regina moments during journalism class.

On Friday, Sep. 30 and Saturday, Oct. 1, Reginite alumnae reunited. The banner years that ended in 1 and 6, celebrating high school reunions whether a decade or a half century ago returned to Regina to celebrate their high school reunion.

On Friday, alumnae were invited to a luncheon that was held in the school cafeteria. Most of the returning alumnae came from class of 1966 who celebrated their fiftieth jubilee year reunion. The first graduating class of Regina Dominican, the class of 1961, also made their appearance, overjoyed to be celebrating their fifty-fifth jubilee year reunion.

Following the luncheon, alumnae had the opportunity to participate in both engineering and journalism classroom activities. Current Regina students and alumnae worked side by side on podcasts, talking about the many Regina experiences that they had and how their education at Regina has had an impact on their lives.

On Saturday, alumnae were invited back to Regina for a reunion mass and reception. There were close to two-hundred and fifty alumnae that attended. Some former and current faculty and staff also made an appearance.

Regina’s Chaplin, Fr. Peter said the mass, and Kaylee Linito Durow ’92, did a phenomenal job as the mass canter. This was a successful event enjoyed by all. This special get-together goes to show that the values learned and discovered at Regina Dominican have impacted and remained in the hearts of all who have attended Regina Dominican High School.

Want to listen to one of the podcasts of alums with current Regina students, click here. Want to see some pictures, click here.