Podcast: The Yappers
This Episode: Movie Review of “The Trolls #3”
December 29, 2023
About the Contributors
Sophia Cipres, Staff Reporter
HIIII!!! I’m a senior at Regina Dominican and this is my first year with the school newspaper The Crown and I’m so excited to write in the paper! I am involved in Alliance Club, Art Club, DEI, Par-Tea club and I sometimes work as part of the crew in our theater department. I love to listen to music, draw, watch “Criminal Minds,” read stories and play Roblox in my free time. For college I am thinking of majoring in library science and or something related to criminology and ASL. A fun fact about me is that I have two lovely/psycho cats named Ginger and Twinkie.
Isabel Hoyos, Staff Reporter
I’m a senior at Regina Dominican. I love to spend time with my loved ones. In my free time, I like to read or meditate. In college I plan on majoring in Speech Language Pathology.