Mrs. Allworth & Sarah Allworth: Like Mother, Like Daughter


How would you describe your leadership style?

Sarah: I’m a team player. I’ve always been on sports teams since I was young. I feel more comfortable working with others.

Mrs. Allworth: Collaborative. I find working with others to be personally and professionally enriching. Leadership doesn’t have to be lonely.

Describe the most important quality, value, or characteristic trait that you feel is most essential to be an effective leader.

Sarah: Including everyone’s idea is very important. Leaders don’t leave people behind.

Mrs. Allworth: Empathy. A good leader understands the needs and perceptions of others.

What is the hardest part of being a leader? 

Sarah: Sometimes engaging your audience is a struggle.

Mrs. Allworth: I don’t like conflict or unfinished work, so not being able to reach a consensus or solve a problem is personally frustrating.

What is the best part of being a leader?

Sarah: The best part is that I get to listen to a lot of different people and their ideas.

Mrs. Allworth: Knowing that you’ve helped someone reach a personal  or professional goal is the most rewarding aspect of leadership.

What person, famous or not, has had an impact on you as a leader? Tell us about it. 

Sarah: Emma Watson is inspirational because she is a strong woman who is well respected and well spoken.

Mrs. Allworth: The matriarch of our family is my 98 year old mother. She is determined, thoughtful, wise, generous, and spiritual. Now, that’s a leader!

What advice would you give Regina’s graduating seniors?

Sarah: Have fun!

Mrs. Allworth: “Work hard, be nice!” (It’s actually the motto of the KIPP Charter Schools). It’s a simple and practical mantra for a happy and successful life.