My Big Fat Greek Wedding

Unlike most movies you watch on Valentine’s Day, My Big Fat Greek Wedding isn’t completely generalized as a romantic comedy: it explores the love shared between family and friends as well!

The movie follows 30-year-old Toula Portokalos, the middle child of a large Greek family who lives in Chicago. Toula works at a travel agency. When she decides to go back to college, she meets Ian Miller. The two start dating. After months of courtship, they become engaged.  Unfortunately, Toula’s extremely Greek Orthodox family, especially her father, have difficulty supporting her decision to marry a non-Greek man.  The movie explores the family’s road to acceptance and, in the process, the strengthening of Toula and Ian’s relationship.

The aspect of the movie that I most enjoyed was how relatable it is for our generation.  Many popular romantic comedies focus on the concept of true love, the movie also focuses on culture and family.

It is very easy to relate to the lively Greek culture that dominates this film.  Audiences will see many similarities between Greek customs and their own family culture.  The Portokalos’ house parties, for example, will be eerily similar to many family gatherings that can be seen as a bit chaotic, but always animated, entertaining, and full of love!

Whether you’re Greek or not, My Big Fat Greek Wedding will leave you feeling giddy with joy, a tug at your heartstrings, and a newfound appreciation for relationships you cherish in your life.