Feng Shui for a Peaceful Life

Photo Credits/Regina Trejo

Photo Credits/Regina Trejo

If your life seems to be ruled by chaos and negative energy, do not panic! Turn to the ancient Chinese practice of Feng Shui to put things back in order.

The Background of Feng Shui

Feng Shui was created over 6,000 years ago by astronomers, philosophers, and other scientists in China. The words literally translate to “wind and water” in Chinese. Wind and water represent harmony when placed together. The art is ruled by the notion that the placement of objects enhances relationships with the earth and the flow of chi. Chi is “life’s breath” or “life’s energy.” Simply, chi can be understood as the good energy of the earth. Relationships, wealth, success, and even health are all affected by object placement.

The art of Feng Shui was suppressed in Communist China after being used by many, especially farmers, for centuries. The practice was suppressed because it was seen as a form of magic. Now, Feng Shui is very popular in other countries due to its promotion of peace, but still it is harshly criticized by the Chinese Republic.

Defining Zones

According to Feng Shui Bagua, a directional energy map, every direction is a zone that correlates with different colors, life aspects, and elements.

  • North: Decorate a North-facing wall or door in blue or black. Water should be the main focus of the northern direction or corner. By decorating with these colors and elements, you can hone in on luck in your career.
  • Northeast: Decorate a Northeast-facing wall or door in beige. Small earth should be the main focus of the northeastern direction or corner. By decorating with this color and element, you can hone in on luck in education and knowledge.
  • East: Decorate a East-facing wall or door in green or brown. Big wood should be the main focus of the eastern direction or corner. By decorating with these colors and elements, you can hone in on luck in family, longevity, and health.
  • Southeast: Decorate a Southeast-facing wall or door in purples. Small wood should be the main focus of the southeastern direction or corner. By decorating with this color and element, you can hone in on luck in wealth, career, and prosperity.
  • South: Decorate a South-facing wall or door in red. Fire should be the main focus of the southern direction or corner. By decorating with this color and element, you can hone in on luck in fame and recognition.
  • Southwest: Decorate a Southwest-facing wall or door in pink or yellow. Big earth should be the main focus of the southwestern direction or corner. By decorating with these colors and elements, you can hone in on luck in love, marriage, and romantic relationships.
  • West: Decorate a West-facing wall or door in silver, gold, or gray. Small metal should be the main focus of the western direction or corner. By decorating with these colors and elements, you can hone in on luck in creativity and children.
  • Northwest: Decorate a Northwest-facing wall or door in silver, gray, or white. Big metal should be the main focus of the northwestern direction or corner. By decorating with these colors and elements, you can hone in on luck in travel.

Not only do corners and areas in your home or office have correlating zones, you have zones that determine where you thrive. Kua is your success zone. To find your Kua number, follow these simple steps:

For a woman born before 2000:

  1. Add the last two numbers of your birth year to get a single digit, and continue adding two digits until you get a single digit. Ex: 1981 8+1=9  -or-  1994 9+4=13 and then 1+3=4.
  2. Add five to the number you previously found, and keep adding the two digits get a single digit.

For a woman born after 2000:

  1. Add the last two numbers of your birth year to get a single digit, and continue adding two digits until you get a single digit. Ex: 1981 8+1=9  -or-  1994 9+4=13 and then 1+3=4.
  2. Add six to the number you previously found, and keep adding the two digits until you get a single digit.

For a man:

  1. Add the last two numbers of your birth year to get a single digit. Ex: 1972 7+2=9 -or-  1967 6+7=13 1+3=
  2. Deduct your single digit from the number 10. Ex: 1972 7+2=9 and 10-9= 1  -or-  1967 6+7=13, 1+3=4, and 10-4=6

Now you can use your Kua number to determine the direction that is the luckiest for you. If your Kua 1, 3, 4, or 9, you health direction is East. If your Kua is 2, 5, 6, 7, or 8, your heath direction is West.

Sleep Well with Feng Shui

When you sleep, you want to be peaceful and relaxed. If you do not sleep well, try to follow some of these Feng Shui principles for your bedroom.

  1. Your bed should be far from the door to your room, but at a distance where you can see the door well enough to feel safe. If your bed is too close to the door, too much energy can flow in and disrupt your sleep.
  2. Beds should not be placed by windows either due to the same principle that too much energy can flow in and disrupt your sleep.
  3. Beds should not be placed under beams for they can “cut” into your soul or “push” down on it.
  4. Beds should not be placed in a corner or against a wall because it blocks the soul and has a heavy concentration of energy.
  5. Your headboard should be made of wood or another solid material so that your head is supported and blocked from too much energy. Footboards are discouraged for they prohibit progression.
  6. Avoid right angles, which are known as “poison arrows.” These direct negative energy toward you while you sleep.
  7. Clear your room of clutter. Clutter symbolizes unfinished work or business, which can weigh on your spirit.

Overall, Feng Shui can help you live a peaceful life and keep your energy in balance. Adopt these practices and see if your energy changes for the better.