Cleanse Your Body with Pure Water

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The human body is composed of over 60% water. The Earth is made up of of 71% water. Internally and externally, we are surrounded by more H20 than solids, and it doesn’t take a nutritionist or scientist to tell you how important water is to any and every form of life. Yet, for some reason, I hear the phrase “I hate plain water” a disturbing amount of times considering all the benefits it gives us.

“Plain” water is the healthiest thing on the planet for the human body, and diluting the water with carbonation, sugars, dyes, and other synthetic ingredients does much more harm than good. According to A Life of Productivity, the average American consumes about 400 calories a day in liquids alone. Yet, calories shouldn’t be the only concern when consuming other beverages. Non-water liquids can stain and erode teeth, contribute to acne, and in the long-term, cause cancer.

Modifying your diet to only pure water intake may seem intimidating at first, but it’s a game changer in the most positive way to the mechanics of your body. Aside from athletes who need extra sugar or protein drinks for muscle building and recovery, there is no reason to be drinking flavored drinks everyday.

The body completely reflects what is being put into it, so when clean liquids are constantly flushing out your system, you are going to look less bloated, have supple and clear skin, and you will find yourself hydrated at the gym for longer and more efficient workouts.

Studies have proven over and over that drinking water a few days (yes, days) before workouts will contribute to building muscle, having more energy, and deterring cramps. Drinking lots of water may be difficult for those who aren’t used to it, but if you have patience, there is no way you will not reap the benefits.

My sophomore year I did an experiment on myself where I drank 65 oz of only water everyday for a month. To be completely honest, it’s not fun in the beginning, because you have to drink when you’re not thirsty, and it seems more like a chore than an intentional, chosen act. However, within a week or so, I could feel myself waking up every morning with more energy. I was able to power through long days at school with out feeling weird waves of tiredness and exhaustion from coffee or soda. Only once you stop drinking those two things do you realize how much of an impact they have on energy levels!

Give it a try! Try drinking only water for a month and discover how much better you will look and feel!

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