PAWS UP Week of 11/16

  • Jennifer Herrington gives a PAWS UP to Lexi Facchini, Vanesa Hoxha, Kenzie Johnson, Trinity Norman, Tristen Norman, Tamia Quach, Rhoda Akosah, Francesca Allocco, Gabi Kerrigan, Josette LaFramboise, Ella Lynch, Kendall Maloney, Marie Maranto, and Kathy Marzec because these amazing student leaders mastered Zoom technology and breakout rooms to help facilitate the Young Leaders Workshop for 8th grade girls interesting in coming to Regina. They are terrific examples of joyful learning and persistence!

  • All the teachers give a PAWS UP to all the students because students are being cooperative with expectations this week. They continue to stay engaged in classes despite the move to eLearning! Keep it up, and remember to seek out your teachers during office hours if you need extra help.

  • The Advancement Office gives a PAWS UP to Mr. and Mrs. Newton and Mr. and Mrs. Strenk for chairing our Annual Black & White Gala!